Communal Life Through Thick and Thin

Life in the People of Praise is so amazing. We had a fun weekend with a big party for J-T Kelly's CD release - it was a great time with the house full of friends. But it's more the daily things that make life in the People of Praise so great.

For example, I'd not been feeling that great towards the end of the weekend through Monday. I had a bit of a headache and was kinda feverish, it seemed. Plus, there was a pain starting in my leg and I didn't know if it was that I had knocked it against something. Anyways, it wasn't an easy day at work, but about 3:30pm I got a tap on my shoulder. (Most of my coworkers don't tap me on the shoulder; they usually IM me or just yell "Dan" until I hear them over the music in my headphones.) I look up and it's my sister Catherine, who goes to school a mile away. She brought me cookies and Hershey's Kisses along with a nice note! It was great to have a bit of encouragement, and those cookies made a good desert on Tuesday too.

The pain in my leg was getting progressively worse, so I called my mom like any good post-college kid who doesn't know what he's doing. She recommended calling a doctor who I'm not sure I've ever talked to but was also a People of Praise member. I called her up and she offered to stop by my work that afternoon and take a look at my leg! From what I hear, this busy mother of two serves her brothers and sisters in the People of Praise in ways like this almost daily. Thank you, Lord, for such a rich and abundant life, in the glamorous times and the hard times.



Good! Way to go Dr. Z!

It's doing much better thanks to a prescription from the doctor.

Yeah Catherine! That's wonderful Dan. How is your leg doing?

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