OpenID Working

For those who wanted to use OpenID to authenticate themselves on my site, it should now work. There were some problems reported with logging in because my PHP was not compiled with the GMP library. You should and are encouraged to start using OpenID in many places, if possible.



Well, it logged me in and out, but I didn't see my comments appear.


It did work. I have WordPress set to put any comments from an e-mail account (or user ID, I think) that hasn't commented here to be put into moderation. I did get your comments, but they were pretty sparse and not really worth posting. It seems to be working well.

Yay! OpenID!

By the way, I think you need some left padding on the OpenID input box. I pulled up FireBug, and it looks like you have a specificity problem. In style.css on line 501 (in #commentform input), the padding is overriding the padding set on line 657 (in .commentform_openid). If you changed the selector on line 654 to "#commentform input.commentform_openid" I think that would fix it.

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